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Prof.Darlington's simple tips to AVOIDING DEPRESSION --- ----SUICIDE IS NEVER THE SOLUTION

Simple tips to avoid depression-----
Are u going through the rough path of life?
Are u thinking of committing suicide because you can't take it any longer?
 Did you lose your relative or a loved one?
Is business no longer moving forward as usual? Were you sacked or did you lose your job?
Are you sick and there is no hope of getting better? Is it cancer, HIV,Ulcer,diabetes or High BP?
The year is half spent and nothing to show for it.No car! No house! No wife!
Are your goods confiscated or impounded?
Are you suffering from drug addiction? Are you a 'school drop out' because there is no money?
Are a victim of unwanted pregnancy?Are you barren or Childless?
Are you facing marital crises or divorce? No money for house rent,school fees and other bills?
      All these can lead one into depression and evoke Suicidal thoughts.   
  Simple tips to avoid depression.   

 -Believe in God .Isaiah 43:9,Behold I will do new thing...
-Be Patient.. Surround yourself with those that show love to you...
-SPEAK UP;share your problem with some people...-Reduce your expectations; to much expectations leads to disappointment...
-Stop comparing yourself with other people ...-Increase the number of your activities.
Get yourself busy. Take time out to Unwind....and relax properly....
-Seek Medical attention. Meet a counselor or a Pastor or Priest...


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